
Serious Problems with Today’s Modern Commercial Atta Chakki

Modern commercial flour nowadays is excessively contaminated in ways that you might not be informed about. It goes through various procedures to become market-ready. These procedures, taking place in modern commercial flour mills, deplete the nutrients from the flour to a large, unhealthy amount.


With flour being a huge part of our diet, it’s hard to avoid its consumption, especially in India. As a health-conscious person, you’ll be surprised and concerned at how deteriorating the effects of refined flour can be for your family, specifically kids.


The commercial flour mills and flour procured from it have their own problems. Take a look at a few of them:

  1.       Harmful for kids

We all want to provide the best quality and healthy food to our children, considering how important it is for their growth in the early years. But often people use wheat bran that was processed in electrical mills and its flavorful residue from the wheat that was devoid of nutrients and fiber. All vitamins and nutrients are lost during the process of creating Maida or refined flour. 


It has been observed that kids who eat a lot of bakery items, biscuits, or pizzas complain about being hungry frequently. The reason is that there are no nutritional fibers in Maida and refined flours, which are necessary for good digestion. Maida slows digestion, clogs the system by sticking to the intestines, and depletes the energy supply of children. After a little time, they become hungry.


Children who consume only one roti or bread made from whole wheat flour, on the other hand, may hold off hunger for longer. Children consuming  such processed flour are more prone to mood swings, obesity, and lower academic performance. 


To avoid these chronic diseases, you might want to shift to organic flour but it is difficult to avail it nowadays. Keeping that in mind, we, at Aumeka, use products sourced from ethical certified farms and milled with no contamination, bleach, etc. ensuring that your kids get the purest quality of the flour.


  1.       Not fresh 

It might not be unknown to you that commercially packaged flours are manufactured in tonnes and stored for months, with preservatives added to extend shelf life and extend expiration dates. Just like every other packaged food, these flours are equally harmful for your health due to being unfresh. 


Thus, it is important for you to eat fresh flour that has only been milled a few weeks ago to receive the greatest nourishment from it. 


The fresher the flour is milled, the better the flavor, nutrients, and so on.

At Aumeka, we mill at your will. That is, we only start milling after you place the order, thus, providing the freshest flour for your plate. We don’t provide stale and stored flour to you which means, it doesn’t have any added preservatives as well.   


  1.       Contamination during packaging


Since it is packed months in advance of the actual consumption, you can never find out the true contents of the flour. 


Refined and processed flours often have added preservatives and chemicals to make them look more appealing. Not just this, sometimes the quality of the packed flours is also degraded by adding a combination of different flours of lower quality.


These things are quite prevalent in modern-day mills and leave several health issues. Along with this, you, as a consumer, are also getting a product lesser than the value for the amount you are paying. 


  1.       Low in nutrition

This is one of the major problems with modern commercial atta chakkis (flour mills). Some flours are better for you than others. White and all-purpose flours, for example, are less healthful because they’ve been refined to eliminate the wheat’s bran and germ, which store the majority of the fiber and minerals.


Flour was once ground slowly in stone mills, but today’s methods are mass-produced and much faster. Because of this form of processing, even most of your whole wheat flour has lost a lot of nutrients. These issues arise due to the modern commercial mills which refine and process the flour over and over again to obtain the final product.


The final product is often bleached, overloaded with preservatives, adulterated with chemical enhancers and thus, losing all of its major nutrients.


On the contrary, you’ll find rich nutrients in the flour range of Aumeka, due to our slow grinding process. Slow grinding retains all nutrients, unlike commercial milling which kills most of the nutrients by high-speed rolling and heat. 


  1.       Use of improper machinery


Commercial milling methods are vastly different from our traditional milling methods. The kind of machinery used for milling also plays a huge role in the retention of the nutrients. Most mills these days use steel or emery stone, in the name of traditional atta chakki, which are man-made and leach to flour.


Aumeka keeps this in consideration and thus, uses genuine traditional methods and appropriate types of machinery that do not degrade the quality of flour during milling.


  1.       Excessive chemicals

As discussed in the points above, it is quite clear that commercial mills use excessive chemicals to polish the appearance of flour and bleach it. 

For context, a grain has three parts – bran, germ, and endosperm – and to get the best quality flour, all three are necessary to be included. 


Flour that is not whole grain is made with the endosperm only. But often, to refine the grain, the bran and germ are removed-and along with them, 70 percent of the nutrients (B vitamins, minerals, and all of the fiber). Removing the germ and milling flour extends the shelf life of bread products, delaying their rancidity. 


At this point, the flour is refined and unbleached. To make it white, it is bleached.


Due to this entire process of refinement and bleaching of the flour, it loses all of its important nutrients and gets overloaded with toxic chemicals, thus, eventually harming the consumer. 

Commercial attas have a number of chemicals to improve floor quality, texture, taste, softness, and retainability.

Benzoyl peroxide, potassium bromate, chlorine oxide are a few to name which are commonly used in flours.

Artificial nutrients are also added into flour as per fortification as the majority of nutrients is lost due to grinding heat and process.




These are just some of the major issues with today’s modern commercial atta chakki. 


The list can elongate more for the deteriorating effects such flour has on our bodies. Though it is harmful to all the consumers, it is worse for the kids due to their comparatively delicate digestive system which needs easily digestible food to absorb more nutrients from the meal.


When the entire market is surrounded by only commercial mills and contaminated flours, it might be difficult to find natural, organic flours. 


To solve this problem, we, at Aumeka, provide you with a vast variety of freshly milled flours. We even offer a wide range of ‘special’ flours that are customized for you, leading you and your family towards a healthier life!


Let us know what you think about the problems mentioned above and feel free to contact us regarding any queries you have.


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